
February 25th Update

Hello Diamond Challenge Teams Leaders,

We are so excited to see you all this weekend! We apologize for any troubles that you may have had uploading your back-up materials. Please know that we are currently reviewing the materials we’ve received and will reach out if it appears we are missing any materials.

Here are a few reminders and some new information.


Zoom Updates

Please do not forget to update your zoom. For more information, please visit Zoom’s website.

Submit Your Photo Release

If you’ve yet to submit your photo release, please do this ASAP! Completed forms can be sent to Cassie Kise, Lexi Gates, or Jen O'Byrne. Here is the Diamond Challenge photo release form.

Submit both a pitch video and slides by 9AM on February 25th.

  • Please note, the pitch videos and our copy of your slides will only be shown in the case of a Zoom crash, aka this is a backup for technical difficulties.

  • If Zoom is up and running your team will present LIVE and this video will not be taken into account when you are being judged.

  • All of the above materials should be submitted here. (This form has been updated to allow for file uploads up to 1TB, so you should not have issues uploading your materials!)

Pitching Rules

Please review the Diamond Challenge pitch rules here. We highly suggest that you review this document to ensure your team is in compliance with Diamond Challenge competition rules. Pitch Rules can be found on page 3 of this document.

New Information:

Zoom Event Link:

Please follow this link for the 2022 Athenian School Diamond Challenge event. As a reminder, this event is this coming Sunday, February 27th from 9AM-1PM PST. We will let individuals into the zoom promptly at 9AM for the tech check.

Assigned Zoom Room & Pitching Order

Each team's assigned room can be found at the bottom of this announcement. Please note that this will also be your pitching order in your breakout rooms, so please get familiar with who is pitching before you!

Event Breakdown:

  • 9:00 am - 9:10am Tech Check, Sign on to Zoom Required for all contestants

  • 9:15 am - 9:30 am Keynote Speaker

  • 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Pitching Rounds

  • 12:15 pm - 12:30 pm Scoring

  • 12:30 pm - 12:35 pm Awards

  • 12:35 pm - 12:45 pm Winner Q&A

  • 1:00 pm Event Closes

If you have additional questions please email Cassie at ckise@athenian.org.

Thank you,

The 2022 Athenian Diamond Challenge Team

Cassie, Lexi, Jen, and Lori

February 18th Update

Hello Diamond Challenge Teams,

The Diamond Challenge is right around the corner! Here is more information and tasks to complete on your end in preparation for the event.

Update Zoom

Please ensure that you have the latest update of Zoom prior to the event. We will be using the breakout room function so please check your Zoom to make sure you can do this function.

Required Photo Release Form

Each of your team members will need to submit this Diamond Challenge photo release form no later than February 23rd. A parent or guardian will need to sign it as well so please don't put it off until the last minute.

Event Rundown

Here is a quick rundown on the timing/flow of the pitching rounds:

*Each team will pitch two times, each time being to a different panel of judges.


  • 5 minutes of pitching (this is your prepared talking time, using slides, etc.)

  • 3 min Judges Q&A round (judges will spend this time asking questions they have about your venture)

*Each breakout room will have a moderator that will warn you when there is 30 seconds left of a section, as well as the strict end time

  • The judges will then take a few minutes to score and take notes before moving on to the next team

Please note that you must be present throughout the whole event, not just during your pitching time. The event may run quicker or slower than scheduled, so being aware of what team you are following is very important. The order of teams pitching will be sent out the day before the event, as well as reminded in breakout rooms.

For more information regarding official Diamond Challenge rules, click here.

Best Regards,

The 2022 Athenian Diamond Challenge Team

Cassie, Lexi, Jen, and Lori

February 15th Update

Hello Again Diamond Challenge Teams,

Thank you for your patience as we prepare for Diamond Challenge 2022!

Video Pitch and Slide Presentations

Many of you have contacted us with questions regarding material submissions which I hope to answer in this email. First off, the February 16th deadline for pitch materials and videos does not apply to our session. This was a mistake sent out by the folks at Horn Entrepreneurship program at University of Delaware.

That being said, you will need to submit both a backup pitch video and slides by 9AM on February 25th.

  • Please note, the pitch videos and our copy of your slides will only be shown in the case of a Zoom crash, aka this is a backup for technical difficulties.

  • If Zoom is up and running your team will present LIVE and this video will not be taken into account when you are being judged.

All of the above materials should be submitted here.

Moving forward, we will continue to communicate updates over the next several weeks. For a centralized location of these updates, feel free to check out our Diamond Challenge website for more information.

Thank you again for your enthusiasm and patience!

Best Regards,

The 2022 Athenian Diamond Challenge Team

Cassie, Lexi, Jen, and Lori